My name is Joshua Norber. I am a Subto Mastermind student. I have worked Pre-foreclosures for 17 years. My business has helped over 1100 people sell their homes since 2007. I am a licensed Realtor and I have actively been investing in real estate longer since 2005. We can get to know each other. As a leader in the community and the preforeclosure space, I am here to help you grow as a person, and with your business. Let’s have fun and collaborate.
I am looking for partners who wish to lend on good deals. I source many deals through my short sale business. As a borrower/investor, I need to self-perform on short sales when the deals make sense. My goal is not to wholesale, but rather to acquire the property and see it through the exit strategy.
I am also looking for properties close to major metro markets. Since I think outside of the box, I don’t like getting boxed in.
Of course I want to help you with your Pre-foreclosures. My goal is to continue the transactional business while growing my connections. Let’s talk
What is your purpose?
What is your goal?
What is your purpose?
What is your goal?
What is your purpose?
What is your goal?